The weather in northern Virginia has been spectacular. Most days are sunny, with low humidity, and a high of 75 degrees. So, Erik and I spend A LOT of time outside. Every morning we walk Victor to the bus stop and then go on a walk where we look for trucks, dogs, and sticks. We tend to see the same people out at 6:45 in the morning so we have become friendly with one particular dog name Brutus.
Our neighborhood continues to be a great place to live. We have met a lot of friends and especially spend a lot of time with the McCleary's. Cullen is 16 months old so he and Erik have a good time together. They like to play, and fight. Just like brothers.
We have also found a babysitter whom we completely trust. Susanna has been out here a number of times allowing Victor and I to go out to to dinner, swing dancing, and a regular bible study. We are so thankful to have found her.
Erik has gotten busier this month. He is into everything -- climbs onto anything he possibly can. He is also getting a little more opinionated. He is still very pleasant and easy going but if he wants something he makes that quite clear. Usually, his desires are expressed through yelling or arching his back. He also doesn't like to be told no and has started to say no, no, no back to us and shakes his finger at us. I am not sure where he learned to shake his finger but I must say it is cute. Naughty, but cute.
Erik had his 12 month check up a few weeks ago and was 21 pounds even (25 - 30%) and 31 inches (60-70%). He seems to have slimmed out a bit as he has become more active. He is an okay eater -- some days will eat everything offered other days only wants cheerios. Normal toddler behavior I would say. :)
We hope you are well and enjoy our new blog.
Love, The Chens
Playing with the strainer....
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